INTERNET BROADCASTING UNIVERSITY was founded by Streaming Media Properties Chairman Dr A. D. Chafins in2022. It is an Internet teaching facility designed to teach the needed skills of Internet broadcasting to people in any Internet capable country around the world. Being virtual and Internet based makes it possible for any student to attend class regardless of weather, travel or any other traditional complication. All that is needed is an Internet capable device and a student willing to learn.

The curriculum is designed to take the most inexperienced student as well as the more experienced. The inexperienced student will be able to follow a more complete course of study while the more experienced student can be examined and found exempt from certain classes based on successful testing. The class selection is based on the experiences of Dr Chafins using his 28 years in broadcasting as a model. Internet broadcasting as an industry is only about 16 years old. Dr Chafins has been involved in this industry for 12 of those years. There are those who believe that he has helped to shape the structure of this industry. His curriculum is very complete.

Many of the courses are taught by Dr Chafins personally. Others are taught by highly qualified instructors hand picked by him. There are 12 courses in the current certification curriculum. Course structure includes personal instruction and examination time with the instructor, practical homework assignments, final course examinations to be sure student has acquired the proper understanding of that particular course. There will also be opportunities for students to take courses through video classes. This will enable students to move faster or slower through the courses based on their understanding of the material. Students opting for the video classes will be tested by instructors at the end of each course to verify quality understanding.

Students completing the curriculum will receive a certificate of completion. If the student is interested in having their own broadcast station they will be encouraged to complete a short internship. Upon completion they will be Internet Broadcasting certified by IBU. To date it is the only certification of its type within this new and growing industry.

For students with time and/or financial concerns the university also has a FLEX PLAN. With this plan students are able to attend classes as their schedule or budget will allow. This plan can be tailored to the specific needs of the individual student.

please review the curriculum for more information or contact us either by email at contact@mediaproperties.org or by phone at 336-937-1891.